Reverse Proxying OWA
Adam Wenner
2004-11-04 20:51:31 UTC
i know you have received a lot of mail regarding reverse proxying OWA, i have read all these and still have no luck, so i come to you, the experts

i set up a reverse proxy on one machine that is made to proxy multiple hosts, therefore each host is contained in a virtual host, the one for exchange is on port 443 (to allow https access to be proxied)

if i open a connection directly to my exchange server at https://exchangeip/exchange/

i am presented with a login prompt

when i open a connection to the reverse proxy with

i am given an error reading
"The connection to revproxyip has unexpectedly terminated" in firefox (ie simply gives me a 404 error page)

the exchange server is not using NTLM authentication because of problems with proxying that

the conf file for the 443 virtual host is contained below

<VirtualHost *:443>
#exchange stuff

ProxyPass / https://gcexchange01.guilford.com/
# ProxyPass /exchange/ https://gcexchange01.guilford.com/exchange/
ProxyPassReverse / https://gcexchange01.guilford.com/
# ProxyPassReverse /exchange/ https://gcexchange01.guilford.com/exchange/
ProxyHTMLURLMAP / https://gcexchange01.guilford.com/
ProxyHTMLURLMAP https://gcexchange01.guilford.com /
# ProxyHTMLURLMAP /exchange/ https://gcexchange01.guilford.com/exchange/

# RewriteEngine On

#security features to help aleviate security issues with IIS
# RewriteRule ^(http|ftp)://.* [F]
# RewriteRule ^(.*)?/iisadmin/? [F]
# RewriteRule ^(.*)?/samples/? [F]
# RewriteRule ^(.*)?/scripts/? [F]
# RewriteRule ^(.*).ida$ [F]
# RewriteRule ^(.*).htw$ [F]
# RewriteRule ^(.*)._vti/_. [F]
# RewriteRule ^(.*).idq$ [F]
# RewriteRule ^(.*).exe$ [F]
# RewriteRule ^(.*)?/winnt/? [F]

#only valid exchange URL's allowed
# RewriteRule ^/public([a-zA-Z0-9/._-]*)$ https://gcexchange01.guilford.com/public/$1 [P]
# RewriteRule ^/exchweb([a-zA-Z0-9/._-]*)$ https://gcexchange01.guilford.com/exchweb/$1 [P]
# RewriteRule ^/exchange/([a-zA-Z0-9/._-]*)$ https://gcexchange01.guilford.com/exchange/$1 [P]

# RewriteLog /usr/local/apache2/logs/rewrite_log
# RewriteLogLevel 1


the commented out rewrite rules will be uncommented, i just wanted to make sure they were not the problem

this apache server is v2.0.52 and has mod_ssl installed with no changes to the SSL conf, is this where i have to change something

thanks for your help, cause im kinda clueless at this point

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