PATCH: various mod_proxy issues
Nick Kew
2004-06-26 06:48:26 UTC
I've rolled a fairly extensive mod_proxy patch, which seems rather
big to commit without review. Comments please:

(1) Bug #10722 - cookie paths and domains in reverse proxy

Following my patch to 2.0.49, I've adapted it for 2.1, taking into account
Jim's patch. In doing so, I made some organisational changes:

* moved rewriting of headers that need it (ap_proxy_date_canon and
ap_proxy_location_reverse_map) to a new function process_proxy_header
called from ap_proxy_read_headers.
* Removed the same from ap_proxy_http_process_response
* moved ap_proxy_read_headers from proxy_utils to proxy_http
* Retained Jim's patch, but removed the line merging err_headers_out

(2) Bug #29554 - URL munging

I've ported Francois-Rene Rideau's patch to 2.1, subject to the
question over proxy_fixup discussed in my last post.

Any problems with committing this?
Nick Kew
Graham Leggett
2004-06-26 15:06:30 UTC
Post by Nick Kew
(2) Bug #29554 - URL munging
I've ported Francois-Rene Rideau's patch to 2.1, subject to the
question over proxy_fixup discussed in my last post.
Looking at this issue, I think the real solution is to

a) canonicalise all URLS (reverse and forward) for internal Apache use.
b) use the original untouched URL to pass to the backend.

I am uncomfortable with the distinction between forward and reverse
proxy - I think this patch might fix this bug for the forward case, but
not for the reverse case, which doesn't ultimately fix the problem.
Post by Nick Kew
Any problems with committing this?
If it's possible to separate the patch out into two different patches -
one for each bug, it will make things easier to review.

The cookie issue has been around for a while, it would be good to see a
patch in v2.1 (and ultimately v2.0) - I don't want to see it held up by
the canonicalisation issue.

