Apache proxy 2.0.48 caching issue
Nayak, Narayana
2004-09-13 14:06:36 UTC

We are seeing a caching issue with 2.0.48 proxy. After the expiry (stale
content) apache proxy start sending 404 HTTP Not Found response for the
cached contents. There is no garbage collection logic too. Is there a fix
already available to this? If not, when would it be available? We need it
very urgently. Your response is highly appreciated.

Narayana Nayak
2004-09-13 14:55:21 UTC
I see this as well in 2.0.50. I took a look in cvs and did not see much
new with mod_cache in around 7 months. I'm guessing this is a problem
with it and not really mod_proxy so this will likely fall on deaf ears
here on this list. It does however have a great impact on the
usefulness of mod proxy. Especially when used as a reverse proxy. --
I've had to turn it off for now and just through some more hardware up
to mitigate the problems. I'm looking for third party patches to
mod_cache with fixes. No luck yet.

Good luck, I'll let you know if I find a solution.

chris rhodes
Post by Nayak, Narayana
We are seeing a caching issue with 2.0.48 proxy. After the expiry (stale
content) apache proxy start sending 404 HTTP Not Found response for the
cached contents. There is no garbage collection logic too. Is there a fix
already available to this? If not, when would it be available? We need it
very urgently. Your response is highly appreciated.
Narayana Nayak
Graham Leggett
2004-09-13 15:45:52 UTC
Post by chris
I see this as well in 2.0.50. I took a look in cvs and did not see much
new with mod_cache in around 7 months. I'm guessing this is a problem
with it and not really mod_proxy so this will likely fall on deaf ears
here on this list.
mod_cache is entirely separate from mod_proxy - queries should be
directed to the ***@httpd.apache.org list instead.

As to mod_cache, there have been a whole lot of fixes which have gone
into v2.1.0, and to my knowledge into v2.0.51 - are you looking at the
most recent CVS?

2004-09-13 16:01:26 UTC
Thank you for the response Graham,

I will direct future mod_cache queries to that list.

It's certainly possible I was in the wrong spot. I was a bit lost out
there. Here is the area of CVS I have been digging around for info in:

If there is somewhere else where I need to be looking to try out the
latest fixes, I would be grateful if you could direct me there. I'm
very anxious to get caching back on. It really reduces the number of
inbound connections to the real servers from my reverse proxies.

Thanks much,

chris rhodes
Post by Graham Leggett
Post by chris
I see this as well in 2.0.50. I took a look in cvs and did not see much
new with mod_cache in around 7 months. I'm guessing this is a problem
with it and not really mod_proxy so this will likely fall on deaf ears
here on this list.
mod_cache is entirely separate from mod_proxy - queries should be
As to mod_cache, there have been a whole lot of fixes which have gone
into v2.1.0, and to my knowledge into v2.0.51 - are you looking at the
most recent CVS?
Nayak, Narayana
2004-09-13 16:10:52 UTC
I agree with Chris. For us it is a lost functionality now. It was working
fine in 1.3.x proxy. Also I would like to highlight, the cache enabling
functionality is reversed in 2.0. In other words, we have to list all
possible domains to enable it with disk cache. Default is cache disabled in
2.0 whereas in 1.3.x, we had a very few list for NoCache and by default
1.3.x used to cache all other responses.
2.0.51 is not yet released as stable version, which raises concern on using
it in production environment. What is the timeframe for 2.0.51? Where do I
get it for a try?

Thanks much,
Narayana Nayak

-----Original Message-----
From: chris [mailto:***@ia.gov]
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 12:01 PM
To: modproxy-***@apache.org
Subject: Re: Apache proxy 2.0.48 caching issue

Thank you for the response Graham,

I will direct future mod_cache queries to that list.

It's certainly possible I was in the wrong spot. I was a bit lost out
there. Here is the area of CVS I have been digging around for info in:

If there is somewhere else where I need to be looking to try out the
latest fixes, I would be grateful if you could direct me there. I'm
very anxious to get caching back on. It really reduces the number of
inbound connections to the real servers from my reverse proxies.

Thanks much,

chris rhodes
Post by Graham Leggett
Post by chris
I see this as well in 2.0.50. I took a look in cvs and did not see much
new with mod_cache in around 7 months. I'm guessing this is a problem
with it and not really mod_proxy so this will likely fall on deaf ears
here on this list.
mod_cache is entirely separate from mod_proxy - queries should be
As to mod_cache, there have been a whole lot of fixes which have gone
into v2.1.0, and to my knowledge into v2.0.51 - are you looking at the
most recent CVS?
Graham Leggett
2004-09-13 17:09:39 UTC
Post by Nayak, Narayana
I agree with Chris. For us it is a lost functionality now. It was working
fine in 1.3.x proxy.
The cache was removed from proxy entirely when proxy was rewritten for
httpd v2.0, and the cache was rewritten from scratch to support any
content, not just proxy content.

This functionality was lost to v2.0 except for on an experimental basis,
it will probably only be ready for prime time when v2.2 is released in
the next month or two. In the mean time, if you need a production cache,
use v1.3.
Post by Nayak, Narayana
2.0.51 is not yet released as stable version, which raises concern on using
it in production environment. What is the timeframe for 2.0.51? Where do I
get it for a try?
I would test the new cache thoroughly before using it in production -
it's status in v2.0 until now was "experiemental", and a lot of work has
been done to try and get it to the point where is can be considered stable.

The people on ***@httpd.apache.org will be able to answer all the
questions about what version to use, and when it will be stable.

